Friday, 1 June 2012

Bank Holiday Weekend/ Jubilee

My Plans this weekend are most excting they are as follows...

Friday Night (Tonight) - To be spent in an ale house consuming indetermined amounts of alcohol to celebrate surviving another week working hard at turning oxygen into carbon dioxide.

Saturday - This is to be spent in three areas.

i) Unfortunately the 1940s RAF Uniform I have ready for Monday (We'll get to that) doesnt quite fit... It's actually too big, which makes a pleasant change, but because I'm borrowing it I have no way of making any alterations. So... I just need to pick which 3 peice suit to wear and decide which hair style to go with, which pocket/fob watch to wear, find my trilby hat and polish my shoes.

ii) Go bowling for Rob's birthday as he has ventured back north to see us

& iii) Go over to a friends to cook dinner, watch films, talk nonsense and have a drink

Sunday - Spent at a 1040s/50s event held in the grounds of a country house where I have been asked to take along my ukulele and I will be presented with food and drink to play... well go on then!

Monday - Rest and relax until the evening when I will again be wearing 1940s gear for a street party and a dance until the 'wee' early hours of the morning.

If you haven't guessed by now I quite like (adore) the 1940s/50s era and dress like it most of the time, that and the 1870's.

Well... I bid you all a good day and shall blog later.


Monday, 21 May 2012

If there's one thing you must do and that's mind your Pints and Quarts


If your currently unaware the title of this blog is where the phrase mind you P's & Q's came from and was orginally intended for people to try and stop themselves from pissedly holding court with friends in a pub into the early hours of the morning.

It now holds with it tha tyou should remember to say 'Please' and 'Thank-you'. Now I will profess that I am not the best person at this all of the time but I will say I am better than most!

Why am I grumbling (as per usual) now about manners. Well, recently it appears that my perception of manners has lowered without me realising about it... Maybe because manners are in short usage and I've heard them being used less and seen less people being a gentleman that i've ignored the fact that they should be more promenantly used.

Recently I have been corresponding with someone who frankly lives up to what my expectations used to be and 'woke me up' from the trance i've been in.

Please, Thank-you, Can I get that for you, would you like some help with that, allow me, don't worry I'll get that. Each of those you can use in a sentance and you can probably think of a time that someone has said them to you... or can you? Now think about the last time you said them to somone, if you can't it's time to pick it up.

I don't want people to think "Oh, this is something that he expects" but it is. The only reason I expect manners is because I use mine in good turn as well! If I didnt use manners I wouldnt expect them in return.

If you hold a door open for someone, feel good about it, if you help someone, fell better for it, and hopefully they might notice and return it in good favour. It's what greases the cogs that makes the world go round.

I know I was some how transported from the 1870's to now but at 25 I just want someone to put there hand on my shoulder and say, "you're not alone Chris, we all want manners as well"