Friday 1 June 2012

Bank Holiday Weekend/ Jubilee

My Plans this weekend are most excting they are as follows...

Friday Night (Tonight) - To be spent in an ale house consuming indetermined amounts of alcohol to celebrate surviving another week working hard at turning oxygen into carbon dioxide.

Saturday - This is to be spent in three areas.

i) Unfortunately the 1940s RAF Uniform I have ready for Monday (We'll get to that) doesnt quite fit... It's actually too big, which makes a pleasant change, but because I'm borrowing it I have no way of making any alterations. So... I just need to pick which 3 peice suit to wear and decide which hair style to go with, which pocket/fob watch to wear, find my trilby hat and polish my shoes.

ii) Go bowling for Rob's birthday as he has ventured back north to see us

& iii) Go over to a friends to cook dinner, watch films, talk nonsense and have a drink

Sunday - Spent at a 1040s/50s event held in the grounds of a country house where I have been asked to take along my ukulele and I will be presented with food and drink to play... well go on then!

Monday - Rest and relax until the evening when I will again be wearing 1940s gear for a street party and a dance until the 'wee' early hours of the morning.

If you haven't guessed by now I quite like (adore) the 1940s/50s era and dress like it most of the time, that and the 1870's.

Well... I bid you all a good day and shall blog later.


Monday 21 May 2012

If there's one thing you must do and that's mind your Pints and Quarts


If your currently unaware the title of this blog is where the phrase mind you P's & Q's came from and was orginally intended for people to try and stop themselves from pissedly holding court with friends in a pub into the early hours of the morning.

It now holds with it tha tyou should remember to say 'Please' and 'Thank-you'. Now I will profess that I am not the best person at this all of the time but I will say I am better than most!

Why am I grumbling (as per usual) now about manners. Well, recently it appears that my perception of manners has lowered without me realising about it... Maybe because manners are in short usage and I've heard them being used less and seen less people being a gentleman that i've ignored the fact that they should be more promenantly used.

Recently I have been corresponding with someone who frankly lives up to what my expectations used to be and 'woke me up' from the trance i've been in.

Please, Thank-you, Can I get that for you, would you like some help with that, allow me, don't worry I'll get that. Each of those you can use in a sentance and you can probably think of a time that someone has said them to you... or can you? Now think about the last time you said them to somone, if you can't it's time to pick it up.

I don't want people to think "Oh, this is something that he expects" but it is. The only reason I expect manners is because I use mine in good turn as well! If I didnt use manners I wouldnt expect them in return.

If you hold a door open for someone, feel good about it, if you help someone, fell better for it, and hopefully they might notice and return it in good favour. It's what greases the cogs that makes the world go round.

I know I was some how transported from the 1870's to now but at 25 I just want someone to put there hand on my shoulder and say, "you're not alone Chris, we all want manners as well"

Thursday 29 December 2011

The blog about my parents divorce, my feelings and Christmas

The purpose of this blog is to get some things off of my chest, out into the open and to explain how I feel about my parents divorce. Some people may think 'I don't want to know' but there may be one or two who might find it interesting as it's not an easy subject to approach.

Divorce as put by the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body:her divorce from her first husband[mass noun]:one in three marriages ends in divorce
  • a legal decree dissolving a marriage:my divorce comes through in two weeks
  • My parents had met in the police force, my father a police officer and my mother as a 'special' officer. They met fell in love, married, had a child which they planned for (me obviously) and then later divorced.

So that's it in black and white, 29 years summed up in one neat paragraph. 

Things at the moment are rather messy, neither talk to each other, mother lives in a new house and father lives in the house in which I grew up. It's difficult to try and explain what happened but I suppose its just as succinct to say that they 'fell out of love' which I suppose is probably just as easy as falling in love.

I grew up with the two of them as I think it is fair to say a happy child, I was always smiling, laughing and giggling in my own little world (I think it's fair to say I still am in my own little world). I noticed as I grew up my parents didn't seem normal. I heard that a lot of children had meals sat with their parents. This never happened with me a lot of the time as dad worked shifts and might not have been in the house and when I was older I was given the freedom to cook for myself to become independent and go and come as long as they knew where I was and that I was safe.

My parents taught me like any parent does how to walk, talk, eat. They teach us manners and morals. They teach us and give us the information on how to live life. The one thing that they don't/can't teach us is how to love. This is a lesson that to a certain degree we have to learn ourselves and by watching the most important relationship in our lives, our parents.

I noticed that they never held hands, cuddled on the sofa and kissed rarely, I am obviously not expecting to walk in on them french kissing but to memory not even a kiss on the cheek. I however have grown up a true romantic. Love to me is a rare gift given to us and should be treated with respect. I don't know why I have grown up the almost polar opposite of what I grew up with.

I had moved out of the family home and went back to help my father clear out the gutters and to give them a good spruce up, me and Dad never really spent much time together and I couldn't help thinking what a great day it had been. It was a Thursday and like all Thursdays I had Scouts to go and run with my friends. I said to dad that I had best go as we had finished working and just finished my cup of coffee. It was a lovely day, sun shining and blue skies. He said "best wait for your mom to come home first." That was it. That was the sentence that triggered my mind to start breaking down each word, syllable and try to figure out why I was to stay. This is just the way my mind works, 'Why should I need to stay unless they need to talk to me?', 'Why do they need to talk to me, I don't live here any more' It has to be bad...

We were sat in the garden me and dad when I heard the front door close, he quickly went into the kitchen through the french door as mom walked into the kitchen. Mom stood facing the table as dad talked to her from behind. I noticed the distinct lack of eye contact. Dad asked me to come inside, "this is going to be shitty" I thought to myself, again and again and again. We went into the living room. Dad sat in the 2 seating sofa (Where he always sat), I sat on the left hand side of the 3 seating sofa with my mom on my right (where she always sat). "We've got something to tell you" Dad said. I knew in a heartbeat what they were going to tell me, I knew it was coming. We had not long been to a family get together for my Nan and Granddads Anniversary and all of these little clues shot into my head, in the photo they weren't stood together, they didn't talk to each other... "Your mom has asked me for a divorce".

At that precise moment, I don't know why, like a smarty pants I declared "I knew it!" "I just knew it!" I don't know how proclaiming in some Sherlock Holmes way that I was one step ahead of them or maybe just at the same step. Well I died a little inside, I appreciate how over dramatic that sounds but I assure with all the fiber's of my being that is how I felt. The one solid thing in everyone's life, their parents relationship was now, ended.

It was from that point that they told the rest of the family as friends as I then told my friends and I noticed one thing. No one could help, in an absolutely selfish splurge I wanted people around me to talk to me and help. They couldn't and I quickly realised why. This isn't an every day occurrence. Unless you've been through it before you don't know what to say, which i'm sure is just as hard for the person not able to help as it is for the person seeking solace. I'm sure that my friends felt like this and not for one moment was I angry but more upset if anything that I was putting them in a difficult position.

We move on and it's all over, the money was sorted (and that dragged on for a very long time) and they are now 100% divorced. They live separately & will probably never talk again.

The most important fact is they are still alive. I still have both parents and the rest of my family. The downside is... it still hurts. I noted early that "Love to me is a rare gift given to us and should be treated with respect" and my closest friends will tell you that is what I think.

I am not for one second stating that if my parents had held hands more often or cuddled on the sofa they would still be together. There are parts of their relationship that I don't want to understand as it is their business. The one thing that I have learnt though? Love is like a flower. Flowers need food, water and light. Too much of either of those things and they die. Love isn't something that you can get and take for granted. It needs to be nurtured and cared for, constantly needing attention and giving it time to breath and relax in equal measures but in the same token if you forget to 'feed' it, it will die.

Reading back at what I've written I appreciate that there is no structure to this, no major epiphany that anyone can take away with them, but I do feel a lot better.

The one thing that is important to note is that, you should never feel embarrassed to ask if someone is OK if they are going through a divorce either themselves or in their family. 

The one difficult time though is Christmas. That time when people spend their time with family. So what if your family aren't all under one roof like they used to be? Well I can tell you now... It's a shit! The decision of which parent to spend it with is a double edged sword and guess what? You'll never make the right decision! But there is one alternative... tell them balls! visit both of them in the morning and go and spend it with your aunt and get pissed whilst secret spending the whole day wishing things were like they were. That I don't think is going to ever change but there are somethings that I don't think you can fix.

So excuse me for my humbug-ness... but I do enjoy Christmas day but not as much as I used to.

My parents, I love them both, I think that they're happy now, not as happy as they should be but happier than they were. I live in the hope that I can have what they had and hope that it lasts just as long if not longer.

I'm going to try and sum this up, if i can, which I don't think I can...

Marriage is like a 2 week holiday, you have two days of rain and that's all that you can remember, those two days sit in your mind. You ignore the other 12 days of beautiful weather and fun and focus on the bad. Just because its over don't focus on the rain focus on the sun.

Love in my humble single opinion is like this... it's that flower I mentioned, it's precious, and sometimes when things aren't going right you might need to seek help to try to fix it, never give up on it. But. Sometimes things have to come to an end but just make sure you focus on the love that there once was as apposed to the love that no longer exists.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Richard Carvath - The Disgusting, Vile, Bigot of a man

Today started like any normal day, alarm 1 goes off, then alarm 2, then alarm 3, all of them dutifully snoozed approximately 3 times. Get out of bed, shower, shave, brush teeth, coffee, cigarette.

Never did I think that I would be involved in what was to ensue.

It was brought to my attention a blog from Richard Carvath this blog was on a tweet from Chris Billett so I decided to have a read.

I was mortified, by the second paragraph I knew I wasn't going to want to read the rest of it, but I did.

What happened? Anger, rose up inside me, I had been politely requested to RT this hate and bile to try and get the word out of this despicable man who shouldn't be able to class himself as a human being.

I wondered what to do... Re-tweet it, to everyone I know, and all day to talk and to inform people. Along the way I have met people who have questioned why I would want to advertise him. I answer thus, he has already advertised himself using the platform of his blog, now is the time to 'Rally round the troops', to inform the correct people to have him stopped.

I don't think that he realises at just how many people he has offended. It is not just Gay people but straight people are absolutely horrified as well. I am a straight male and take great offence to the way that he talks, not only because it is derogatory but it also disrespects some of my closest friends of whom i love dearly. If you disrespect my friend, you disrespect me. If you pick on a minority you pick on me.

You can not go around calling people who have same sex relationships "homosexual-perverts" as he refers to them. The hatred he tries to create only backfires as we take it and fire it back at him.

Gay people according to him are "generally riddled with disease - from HIV to syphilis to hepatitis etc - as a result of their sodomitical activities" where is he sourcing his information?! Horror and disgust fills me every time I think of it but I just use this feel to fight against him.

He is a member of the conservative party and had stood for election, he now wants to stand for his local community in Parliament. This can not be allowed to happen. His hate and bile can not be allowed to spread. He must apologise for the things that he has said.

I full agree to free speech and I will always fight for that right but when you abuse that right and use it to slander the minority I will not stand for it!

Hatred is still here, it still exists and it needs to be stopped.

Thanks must go to all of those people that have RT'ed the message and have helped spread the word, I have been so happy by the responses and that so many people are helping to stop this man.

You can report offense on his blog, you can e-mail the Prime Minister of which I have already done and you can also use 

Thank you everyone, thank you to Chris Billett and please all continue to stop the hate.

If you wish to read another blog on the bigot please read my very good friend Chris Billett's

Hope not hate, that is all we want.

But heed these words Richard Carvath, we are here, we will not stop until you are

Sunday 28 November 2010

Did he have a fair fight?

Today I witnessed something rather brutal.

Dave Gorman posted that one of his photo's had been used on another persons website.

He asked for the photo to be taken down from the site and from what Dave says they were a little bit pissy about it, this is not quite evident as it is in the e-mails that Dave had received from them. (Dave respectfully did not make these e-mails public) The way that it reads on the first update is that they seem to be doing Dave a favour. Secondly Dave paraphrases from the e-mail that "We have x million visitors so you could be found by talent scouts". Yes... Like Dave Gorman needs your help to put himself out there...

Now look, I'm not part of the Dave Gorman fan club, I'm not rallying behind him because he has a form of celebrity/comedian/presenter (delete as applicable to your own knowing of Dave) status, but because I thought the fact that someone had "called him out" as a bully was wrong.

Dave asked to have his photo taken down, yes it was on Twitpic and maybe the rules and regs may let someone else use it I don't know. Unfortunately that is what the Twitter discussion should have been about. Instead it turned into some form on Dave Gorman cyber bully hate campaign.

No... I'm sorry but I'm not having it. The basis of this is taken from Dave using the twitter name of the websites creator... well guess what, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the name of the website is also their twitter name, now it didn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out now did it? So just because Dave used the name doesn't mean someone couldn't have found them anyway.

Dave being the gentleman he is stated that he was incorrect for using their name and in a conversation with myself said that he did not want to be responsible for anything that could lead to bullying.

He wasn't responsible, he stated the website and name of a person that he felt had done wrong by him, he merely gave us the information to look at make up our own minds. If this is the case then anyone telling Dave he was wrong should stop and apologise as they are bullying him.

Dave at no point made any plea to his followers to help him or make any horrible attack upon anyone just merely put across his view and whether he was right or wrong it doesn't matter.

Dave stood up for what he thought was right and has the guts to let people know, much like him fighting to make sure "charity" tweets of twitter were from proper charities Dave should be congratulated on standing up for what he believes.

Rant over... for now

So you've decided to blog

It took me a while to decide to Blog,

Realistically I don't need to Blog... but, Although I am on Facebook and have become one of the many twitters I wanted to be able to write things being able to use a few more chracters that are available.

So here I am...

Chris the Ukulele...

I'll get round to writing something prolific later...